Often I think of when I was little. One's childhood is something that is a treasure, a dream and inspiration to turn to and think of in times of alone-ness, so said Rilke.
You all really
MUST read his letters to a young poet.
Yesterday was quite nice. Nashville was windy and the art exhibit "Paint Made Flesh" was not as good as I had hoped but it had some beautiful pieces by Lucian Freud.
Clare and I hope to have our Etsy set up in a month or so, we have quite a lot of work to begin on!
Today was rainy, but not too sad because I got to break out my beautiful vintage raincoat with blue polka-dots on white and white polka-dots on blue! It was quite exciting.
One of you asked about music suggestions, so here is a list. Basically what I listen to can be categorized to fit three general moods, those being
Head-banging-The mars Volta - not exactly easy listening, but genius and beautiful and addictive art
- Coheed and Cambria
- Showbread
- Dropkick Murphys - Irish Punk
Happy jumping-up-and-down music-MGMT
-Beatles (of course.... even though I am reading about them and my respect for them as people is about at 0 right now).
-Animal Collective (previously known as Panda Bear)
- The Ark
- Crystal Castles
- The Knife
- Gorillaz
- Vampire Weekends
Mellow somewhat-sad-and-somber music + Folk What I am listening to at the moment
- Elliot Smith
- Peter and the Wolf
- Explosions in the Sky
- Margot and the Nuclear So & So's
- Iron and Wine
- Andrew Bird - his new CD is amazing
- Beach House- very psychedelic and beautiful
- Belle and Sebastian - Sebastian is, in my opinion, the most beautiful name in all the world.
- Bob Dylan
- Coconut Records
- Fleet Foxes
- Niel Young
- Page France
- Ra Ra Riot
- She and Him
- The Shins
- Sigur Ros
- Sufjan Stevens
Also are
- Arcade Fire
- Arctic Monkeys
- The Kooks
- Lafee (german version of Evanescence)
Ok, I have been avoiding writing a paper for a long time but it is due tomorrow so I better stop procrastinating. Sorry I really don't have as good a taste in music as I would like but maybe you will like some of what I am listening to now.