The hippy look was linked with the scene of rock music of the late 60's, just like the Beatnik movement was linked to the Beat artists. Bands began to brake away form the button-up look that was inspired by the Beatniks and instead wear brocades, velvets, leathers, clashing colors, and lots of patterns and odd shapes. As the populace began to adopt this radical style and make it the norm, the 'cool kids' had to dress more and more radical. To be cool was no longer to conform to the masses, but to express your personality and imagination in what your wore. Because of this dressing became a contest of who could look crazier, and many people resorted to the thrift store to find one-of-a-kind garments. But wearing thrifted items was cool for another reason - political and social protest. Wearing a used garment was important to those who wanted to be viewed as anti-materialistic, opposed to the fashion rules, and, in the case of a lot of the garments from army surplus stores, make a statement against the war.
Of course the media loved this colorful new way of dressing and popularized it all over through movies, television, etc. By the time the 70's rolled around, people could get away with almost any look because dressing in a crazy manner was loosing it's shock factor.
This info is taken form the book "Thrift Score" by Al Hoff

The hippy movement still inspires many designers, as well as young people, today.
More modern versions of hippy.... (all from foto decadent Ex. for the last one, which is form Panda Mag)