I finally got my black jeans back form a friend who stole them by accident. Very exciting, no?
Yesterday I saw Dragon Ball with some friends and laughed very much it was the biggest pic fail of all times. You should see it.
Today I shall work on my converse, study German, eat lunch with dear friends, and take one of my little brothers to his first hard rock concert. I think he will enjoy it.
Best of luck with your Converse. Have a happy Saturday. ^^
looking forward to seeing the shoes. :)
omg im so happy you love agyness!!!!! when I first met you I died because you looked so much like her and you were wearing like your giant blue sweater which was something she would so wear but iwas scared to tell you since I didn't know you! :) I love how she doesn't like take herself too serious as a model like the others do!
these pictures are so nice (:
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