So, I was just contemplating how wonderful it is that I have been on facebook a total of a few minutes the past week.... and then I realized that that is in no way an indication of me getting a life because of late lookbook and this blog have been taking up a lot of time. Not sure where this is going. Obviously I am not going to fix this problem because here I am updating for a second time in one day while my study of the belvedere torso gets moldy. Not really but it is coming along slowly.
Soon I hope to start learning Italian on my own. I am excited. But that will mean I will have to cut back on music, which is not so cool.
Ok, now I am getting off the computer till tomorrow and am going to go read a book or knit or something.
Sorry for the random sporadicness of this post.
Oh and I was wondering if there is anyway I could get some more feedback form readers, just so that I know what you want to see more of.
def would be cool if i could see that cardboard chair, i think it was, that you were talking about.
haha. but i love what you're doing already,
Show like your closet or your favorite clothes or something fun like that! Oh yah and show ur cardboard chair!!! it was really cool. I'll show mine on my blog too:)
I third the motion on the cardboard chair. Have you considered writing about how you go about shopping for clothes and what you look for when you go thrifting? I'd be interested to read that.
OOO me too on the shopping thing!
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